Sprinting gets your nervous system fired up, releases endorphins and other hormones, and activates muscle fibers that would otherwise be dormant. ...

For nearly two decades, Travis Conley has worked as a nutrition and fitness professional, trainer, and strength and conditioning coach. He has earned multiple credentials from the National Academy of Health & Fitness, Athletics & Fitness Association of America and World Instructor Training Schools. He is a Nutritional Coach and Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialist. He also holds undergraduate and Master’s degrees from the University of Central Missouri.
Travis is also a high-level competitor, champion, and incessant challenger and student, holding the rank of black belt in Jiu-jitsu as well as having experience in wrestling, sambo and judo. Further, he is an adviser, coach, author, and consultant to many athletes, schools, and publications across the World. Travis currently holds the position of Director of Client Services at Underground Gym, LLC.
*”Travis is a natural born leader. He is one of the most determined, dedicated, passionate, and professional people I have had the pleasure of getting help from. Travis truly practices what he preaches. He does not provide a quick fix to health and fitness, he provides you with the knowledge to make a lifestyle. Travis’s reputation speaks for itself.”
I believe in helping people discover their strength by teaching how to develop solid habits for life. I’ve been in your position before, and I’ve worked hard on developing key strategies and effective programs to meet your biggest goals! I’ve dedicated my life to becoming an example to others and a successful coach! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you may have!”
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