About Travis Conley

Who am I? Director of Client Services for Underground Gym, LLC, I am an expert fitness professional, not because of fancy degrees or certifications, or because I created some fitness-craze flash-in-the-pan fad (I didn’t), but because in fifteen years in the field I’ve made mistakes, had obstacles, but all the while my unmatched hard work, passion and undeniable results continually put me in the forefront as a top choice for those fit-aspiring minds.

One of my first mistakes in fact, ended up almost costing me my life, and happened to be the trigger towards becoming a personal trainer…

It was when I was seventeen years old, missing weight going into the final day of the Regional Wrestling State Qualifying Tournament! I was heavy all year, and as a growing kid should not have been in that weight class to begin with, plus we didn’t know any better, we “cut weight” the absolute worst way possible.

I had six hours to lose six pounds, so after wearing twenty different layers of sweat suits, jumping around stumbling, falling over, dry heaving and even blacking out and getting picked up over and over by my teammate, and even at the end, getting chunks of my hair cut out with scissors by my coach, in a foggy in-and-out-of-consciousness daze, I missed weight by 1/10 of a pound. What?! 0.1?

I would find out a short time later that due to dehydration, possible organ failure and near heat stroke I could have very well died. I made a vow, never again would I make that mistake. In fact, I would go the other way. I would educate myself and use that knowledge to keep others from doing the same or similar, help others, and then some.

“Then some” came in the form of personally helping over 3,000 clients gain control of their health, fitness and lives. Since 2006 I have helped shed collectively an estimated 5,000+lbs of body fat from people! Everything I’ve done with all these clients and experience I’ve put into a system and developed my own Online Personal Training and Coaching Program to expand my reach, helping even more people out there!


Certified Personal Trainer
National Academy for Health & Fitness. Athletics & Fitness Association of America

Bronze Certified Coach
USA Wrestling – National Coaches Education Program

Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach. Online Coach
Underground Gym, LLC

National Fitness Certification
World Instructor Training Schools

Certified Medical Exercise Therapy Trainer & Certified Aerobics Instruction
National Academy for Health & Fitness


Master’s Degree: Master of Arts in Teaching & Bachelor’s in Fine Arts
University of Central Missouri


Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt – 2nd Degree

First BJJ Pan American medalist from Kansas City

Fastest student to graduate the World Famous Harley Race Wrestling Academy, trained by Legendary 8x
Worlds Heavyweight Champion Harley Race

Former World League Wrestling (WLW) Tag-Team Champion

5x IBJJF International Open Champion, 10x Medalist

4x Abu Dhabi Pro Trials Champion, 14x Medalist

2011 90kg Team USA member and FILA World Silver Medalist. Belgrade, Serbia

2011 Kansas Athlete of the Year

4x Arnold Schwarzenegger Grappling Classic Champion

2x Revgear World Open Defending Superfight Champion

3X ISOF Sub Only Champion

Dream Champion Series 32-Man Invitational No-Time Limit Submission Only Competitor

2014 Nogi Throwdown Invitational No Time Limit Sub Only $1K Champion

2016 Fight to Win Pro 10 New Orleans Winner

2017 Submission Series Pro “Chokes by the Ocean” Nova Scotia, Canada Winner

USA Judo Blue Belt rank, 2013 WJF & AAU Titles

2014 82kg USA Sambo World Team Member. Narita, Japan

2014 90kg Pan American Sambo Champion. Port of Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

2018 87kg US Open Greco Roman Wrestling Competitor

Head Coach of Retired Professional MMA Fighter, LC Davis (23-8)