“My name is Frank Termini. I’m a former collegiate football player. I played from the time I was 9 until I was 21. The sport has done a number on my body. I have had four right knee surgeries and a low back surgery. Despite my surgeries I maintained a high level of activity. However, with age, a wife, and 5 kids I continued to pack on the pounds. So a little over a year ago I went to Travis with 3 goals:
1. Lose weight
2. Quit chewing tobacco ( a 25 year habit at the time )
3. Resume training Brazilian jiu-jitsu
To make a long story short, with Travis’s assistance, I didn’t just meet my goals, I shattered them. I went from 225 lbs to 194 lbs. I haven’t chewed tobacco since March, and not only did I get back into training bjj, but I competed in two different tournaments and WON each!
I’ve known Travis for close to ten years and have had the privilege to watch him grow in every aspect of his life. I’ve watched his business grow. I’ve watched him grow as a Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioner and coach and I watched him grow into a family man. As a trainer Travis has an unprecedented ability to instill accountability, responsibility, and most importantly self confidence in every client. I’m proud to know him, I’m proud to be trained by him, I’m proud to call him friend, and I look forward to both watching him grow and growing with him.”